
Save Our Lettuce

Posted by BurgerFuel

It is time to SOL

We're currently amidst the lettuce famine of 2017. Due to the past week's cyclones, re. Met Service weather warnings, our local New Zealand lettuces are now at critically low levels. And it’s not just us, we are all suffering, and many places around the country are struggling to source New Zealand’s finest produce – all you need to do is look at the cost of your weekly fruit and veg shop.

But lettuce grows, so we are giving it time go all MRS GREN on us (high school science reference there - at least we remember something from 5th Form Biology).

So please bear with us and be understanding, all of our stores are working hard to give you the best salad in your burgers. But there may be times where we have to substitute your burgers iceberg lettuce with a different form of greenery and that some products may be unavailable. This also directly impacts the option of making your burger a Low-Carborator.

As this is only for the interim, you will find your fresh and pure BurgerFuel standard iceberg lettuce making a comeback in no time.

Till fresh do us part
(which is right now, but not forever)