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There’s nothing more glorious than spotting a well welcomed email amongst a cluster of red flagged to dos, suspicious spam from your cousin in Geneva and a series of passive-aggressive emails from the big wig.
That’s right; we can provide you your very own nugget of gold amidst the mounds of dirt in the form of VIBC (Very Important Burger Connoisseur, or VIB for short since VIBC sounds like a 80s TV network).
Sign up below to get BurgerFuel VIB emails direct to your inbox through very very high-tech technology, almost alien like. Each carefully crafted to contain a combination of VIB exclusive fresh-off-the-grill news, new store openings in your area, drool-worthy photos, excellent banter, competitions, giveaways and deals.
All you need to do is fill in the form and you’re away laughing.