Yes! its BurgerFuel’s very own space for showcasing all the cool stuff we've been getting up to in the world of Custom Car Culture and we're calling it “BurgerFuel Speed and Custom!“
You'll be able to view special events via videos and pics from around the world with us, so it will be just like riding with BurgerFuel as we take in some of the coolest Car happening's on the planet.
At Speed and Custom we'll profile the Artists, Mechanics, Custom Car Painters and all the people who work on our cars plus a whole group of car culture guys and girls who live and breath cars just like you.
Best of all there will be a section on BurgerFuel car culture history that celebrates over 20 years in the game with stories, pics and videos that highlight all the cool stuff we've done from back in the day. We even have an Insta-gram section where you can send in your favourite car culture related Picture or Video and be in to win all sorts of BurgerFuel Speed and Custom goodies.
Not only that, “Speed and Custom” is a one stop shop for cool Custom Swag, like tees, caps, stickers and lots, lots more. We've put up a couple of sections already just to get things going so if you like what you see, stay tuned and watch this space!