Since the beginning of time, the BurgerFuel crew has been in to anything and everything arty...
…from those back alley stick and poke tatts we gave each other after a graveyard shift, and the early graphic design jobs we did on Microsoft Paint, through to the 'store art' done with a couple of Posca pens. Not to mention all those exhibitions we went to for the free beersies.
We’ve come a long way since then and art and creativity has developed into a core part of who we are. These days we’re a bit more Slick Rick, with our own in-house artists, custom designed and hand painted murals, and a full arts programme called BurgerFuel Creative, Sweet. Like Radio BurgerFuel is to music, Creative, Sweet is our BurgerFuel channel for all the artistic awesomeness we're into. Be it graffiti, illustration, graphic design, videography or tattooing, we're all about it, and we like supporting other people who are too.
Creative, Sweet is headed up by our resident artist extraordinaire, Kairau "Haser" Bradley, who, when he's not working as part of our super talented Graphic Design team at BurgerFuel HQ, travels around the world doing amazing pieces for both BurgerFuel and his own graffiti crew, TMD.