Introducing Reiki Ruawai
From playing in a band with his sister and close friend to now branching out on his own, it's been a crazy ride for Reiki. We sat down with him to learn more about his journey with his music so far.
How did this all start? Did you grow up loving music and singing? Was this always a dream for you?
"My parents were in a band when I grew up, so there have always been musical instruments around, making it accessible for me. I could just walk around and pick up a guitar, bongo, or whatever they had. I didn’t get into writing music until I left school. I went to University in Wellington for a year but decided that I just wanted to start on my own music."
"My sister plays the drums, and with my other friend, we formed a three-piece band called Masaya in 2018."We went on tour with LAB andKatchafireand did some tours in Aus which was amazing. When we got back from the tours, my song Express blew up, giving me the push to branch out on my own and release some of my own music. The trickle effect from that has led me to where I am today"
Do you feel you take a lot of inspiration from where you grew up/ your life to this point for your music?
"I think growing up in Raglan, you get the relaxed vibes from living near the ocean. To reflect on how it impacted my music, there’s just a way about Raglan. It’s slow and chill, not to say that’s how my music is, but there are moments. The environment is amazing, and it’s hard not to get inspired when you’re there"
Who are your music inspirations/ do you look up to?
"Growing up, our household was very Reggae originated, so there was a lot of Bob Marley around, but it’s only been recently that I’ve listened to his lyrics and figured out what he’s actually talking about in his songs. He has such an amazing way with words. I look up to him in that way because I feel his lyrical talent is just unmatched. There are also so many amazing Kiwi artists, such as Freddies, Benee and Lorde, who have just done amazing things for the NZ music community and shown us that we can do big things from little ol’NZ."
Who are your music idols?
"I think the free nature of Freddie Mercury is so inspiring. He was just 100% himself through everything. I want to be as original and pure as I can, and I feel like he was"
What keeps you motivated?
"I feel that every time I hop on stage, the feeling I get is unmatched; I can’t find it anywhere else. I still want to explore my artistry; I think I still have much more to give"
What’s your favourite part of the song-making process, writing, mixing, recording, and releasing?
"Hearing the demo after you’ve spent the whole day or week working on it. I love the little happy accidents that form when you are in a session, where elements just fall into place to create something amazing."
Let’s talk about Take it Slow, what was your inspiration, what were you trying to convey?
"I made this song at Parachute. We were working on this, and I got a message that I needed to head off soon, but I did not want to leave. I just started to quickly put some ideas out there, mumbling my way through to get something down, and then the words ‘take it slowly’ came out. I was like, that could be something. It then morphed into this idea of staying in the moment and taking it all in, slowing down."
Your new EP, The Message, what can you tell us about it, what are some of theinspirations?
"It sort of came to life after everything else was written. I was going through a hectic break-up and was left in a state where I couldn’t say much or talk to the other person. These songs were my way of saying what I needed to say and get closure from the relationship. It was my way of getting it all off my chest."
How was the Birthday Bash? How did it feel to be back in your Home Town performing?
I was fresh off the Big Sound weekend in Brisbane, and my bandmates were like, “We should do some more gigs”.We were like, “Let’s just do a gig in Raglan to celebrate my birthday”.It was a mean night, doing our gig, getting on the decks and just going for it. It was so good to be home with friends and family and see the community come out to support.
What do you have coming up that youcan share with us?
I’m just focusing on writing for the rest of the year and then looking to lock in some gigs for the new year. I just want to get time in the studio and make new songs.
What burger do you think The Message would be if it were on the BF menu?
The Bacon Backfire, because it’s my response to not having a say at the end of my relationship.
What would your ideal BF burger contain?
Steak, egg, cashew nut hummus, salad and beetroot,all on a classic bun

To round out an epic interview, we had to put Reiki through our quick-fire round.
What is your go-to song for Jam Out in the Car? 90 Proof by Smino.
Who is your favourite artist at the moment? Bricknasty.
One thing you can’t perform without? A guitar pick.
One artist or band you would love to co-lab with? Anderson.Paak.
Go to BurgerFuel order? Bacon BBQ Roadster.
Fire or Backfire
Pickles in burgers-Fire
BurgerFuel Aioli-Fire
Acoustic performances– Fire
NZ Music Month-Backfire
Singing in the shower-Definitely Fire
Pineapple on pizza-Fire
Supermarket in bare feet-Fire
Reiki also recently performed at Live Nation and One NZ's Ones To Watch. Check out what went down.