Live and breathe cars? You’ve come to the right place! Meet the mechanics, panel beaters, sound guys and custom painters who work on our cars, plus a whole group of car mad gals and guys who live and breathe everything fast and loud, just like you.
BurgerFuel car culture goes back a long way - it’s part of our DNA!
Our love of everything fun, fast and loud can be seen in everything we do, from our custom built and painted fleet of classic muscle cars, to our burger names, store designs (i.e. spark plug chandeliers!), local cruise nights and the sweet events we hang out at.
Take a front seat in one of our custom BurgerFuel machines and ride with us as we take in some of the coolest car happening's on the planet.
We're always launching exciting new machine builds, hitting new events and creating sweet Speed and Custom swag just for you so buckle up and watch this space!
If it’s fun, fast and loud, we’re into it!
Upload your favourite BurgerFuel car culture related snaps & vids or if you see us out and about, add #burgerfuel #speedandcustom and be into win all sorts of BurgerFuel prizes (you might just get that new set of wheels after all!).