What motivates and makes you proud to represent the BurgerFuel brand? The community vibe you get whilst in the store from both customers and staff. Creating relationships with the customers and getting to know them through Local Store Marketing and watching them come back time and time again because they know they will get great food and the best experience.
What is one of the greatest opportunities BurgerFuel has given you? BurgerFuel has given me so many opportunities but the one I am most proud of would be becoming the promo manager for Westgate. Everyday this role increases my management and customer service experience and constantly builds my confidence every single day.
What is one thing you would say to any potential individual who is looking to work at BurgerFuel? Just do it. Apply and come into BurgerFuel with an open mind and a positive attitude because soon enough your BurgerFuel crew are going to be the best thing that ever happened to you!