
FEEDING THE LEGENDS: The Kindness Collective

Posted by BurgerFuel

Every month we shout burgers to the legends among us who give back to their community or help people in need.

When a charity’s mission is to make New Zealand the kindest nation on the planet, we made it BurgerFuel's mission to hero these legends for the work they do.

The Kindness Collective is a New Zealand charity endeavouring to bring kindness to Kiwi's across the nation. They provide ongoing support to whānau and communities with all the essentials needed to survive, and they work with organisations to provide meaningful events and experiences that enable people to thrive. 

The charity make it easy for people, brands and businesses to put kindness into action, and work with schools, early childhood education centres, community groups, social services and other charities to donate time, tools, resources and money to kiwis in need all across the country. With their outstanding initiatives, they've provided Christmas for over 3,000 kiwi kids, Easter kindness for 18,000 children, and provided over 3,000 pairs of warm winter PJs for children in low decile schools and early childhood education centres.

Earlier this year, the Kindness Collective held a working bee at Free Guys, a social supermarket in Avondale. The team of volunteers decked out their premise across two days by putting up shelves, painting, and generally making it look great to help provide a better experience for families when they shop.

They've also made over community spaces and a playground, built a garden at a Women's Refuge safe house, and are gearing up to build sustainable community gardens at local schools (once lockdown lifts).

To say thanks for bringing the kindness, and as a token of our appreciation for their latest working bee, we hooked these ‘legends’ up with some burger vouchers, and the volunteers were fed at BurgerFuel New Lynn, fuelling their awesome work in the community.