BurgerFuel Local Store Marketing aficionado, Nate Lardelli, heads up the ‘Hamilton Hard Yard’ crew, made up of store staff from the BurgerFuel Hamilton stores. This group of OG’s work out until it hurts, twice a week. Work hard, then work harder. The team recently visited the BurgerFuel Athletic Department, located at the BurgerFuel Head Office in Auckland, after a gruelling 8-week boot camp in the Tron. Training alongside the HQ team, it was one epic showcase of athleticism, BurgerFuel style.
Coach Josh put everyone through their paces with circuit style training (in 99.9% Auckland humidity) and the Hamilton staff showed B.A.D. what was up. Burpees, chin-ups, weighted lunges – you name it, they put it down. Topped off with a cheeky finisher, a gruelling race on the Assault Bike. Bring on winter #shreddingforhibernation
For more on B.A.D visit https://www.burgerfuel.com/nz/world-of-burgerfuel/burgerfuel-athletic-department