
Johnsonville, Meet your newest Franchisees, Tracy and Mathew!

Posted by BurgerFuel

Introducing the new franchisees of the BurgerFuel Johnsonville store, Tracy and Matt Bicknell.

Tell us a bit about you and your story, what’s your background, where did you grow up etc?

Both of us were born and raised in the Hutt Valley both from small families.

Matt- My BurgerFuel journey began two weeks after the opening of the Upper Hutt store in 2015, I eventually moved onto the Lower Hutt store in 2017, met Tracy in 2018, this is where we stayed till 2020. Its now 2024, we have two beautiful little girls together and now a third baby in the shape of a BurgerFuel haha we both feel like this was meant be as this is where our love story began (awwwww).

Tracy- My BurgerFuel journey began in 2015 at the age of 17, quickly climbing the ranks to 2IC and eventually ran the store for several months while the store manager was away. Left on a study venture, but came back to Lower Hutt in 2018, this is where I first met Matt, quickly became Store Manager once again and we were there until 2020 when we made the difficult decision to move to Palmy to be close to family as we were close to the arrival of our first daughter Spencer who was born at the beginning of April 2020, fast forward 3 and ½ years and we welcomed our second daughter Devon in October 2023. Now we are back home in Wellington, owning a business with the brand that we love and fell in love at!

What drew you to the brand and made you want to be a part of the BurgerFuel family?

The culture and vibe that the BurgerFuel brand brings to the workplace is unmatched, I’ve always loved being apart of a team that has fun and loves to be on shift with each other! BurgerFuel is a well-respected and relatable franchisee in the hospitality industry, its unique personality really draws people in and when you have a great boss, you just never want to leave!

What do you love about the BurgerFuel?

We love the atmosphere and the culture, being able to develop the team to be stars that make our customers love our food and their experience! Plus the food is top notch and can’t be beaten!

Is there anything you can tell us about your local community and how important it is to be a part of for you as a BurgerFuel franchisee?

Becoming a franchisee in a community full of families is exactly why we love Johnsonville, having a young family ourselves, we believe it is such a great place to call home, it is cosy, supportive and a very lively community! Just full of great people.

Other than your store, what’s your favourite place to go in your community? (doesn’t have to be food related)

The local Library and Swimming Pool, when we aren’t busy flipping burgers, we are loving taking our girls out to all the locals spots, they are both little water babies, so the pool it is 80% of the time!

What’s your favourite BurgerFuel burger (including any modifiers)?

Tracy- CN Cheese with Pickles (and peanut satay sauce when we still had it (Sad Face))

Matt- Chicken Fenders with Chipotle Aioli or Bacon BBQ Roadster swapping the beef for chicken

What is your best BurgerFuel hack?

Lining your doofer with a napkin, no more messy plates or hands! Simple, yet effective!

Do you own a BurgerFuel machine? If so, what is it?

LOL I wish!

Random fact about yourself? (Anything weird, wonderful or interesting that we can add to the story)!

Tracy- Diamonds by Rihanna -I could listen to this song on repeat for the rest of my life.

Matt- I’m a Gym Junkie and love chicken.